High Class Sydney Brothel


Wives Only Sydney brothel has been decorated with the aim of giving Sydney brothel customers the best possible sexual experience they can ever receive. With this mission in mind, we have done full renovation at the premises and went to extreme lengths to decorate the place in the best possible way. We have decorated all the common places with exquisite art and lighting to set you in the right mood. Our rooms are equipped with ducked air conditioning units where they are hidden from the view so that you are always kept at perfect temperature and there is no ugly sight of air conditioning around. Furthermore, depending on your mood light in the rooms can be set to reflect your mood. You like to have sex under blue, red, white, green light or a combination of all or some, it is all-possible in our Wives Only brothel Sydney. Our rooms are also equipped with best quality diffusers, so your nose smells the sexy perfume that sets your mood right on. If you need little bit stimulation you can turn on our porn channel that is streamed to all rooms. You feel little bit nervous or thirsty you are welcome to taste our complimentary alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks all free of charge and part of this exclusive adult entertainment service in Newtown brothel close to Sydney CBD. 

We aim to make your experience from greeting at the door to your goodbye and anything in between a perfect and amazing package.

In return we receive comments from the customers endorsing us the most welcoming and the best service brothel in Sydney. We kept our prices purposely much lower than any of the other high-end brothels to give you a premium service that you can afford and use it on a regular base. Our portfolios of girls are ever increasing. We only strive the employ the ladies that are alcohol and drug free, and their aim is to satisfy the customers to best possible extend. It is not an easy process, and we must turn down many ladies that do not meet our requirements. Still ladies, who work for us maintain this the best brothel they have ever worked in with great cut for them and amenities that is a match for five star hotels. Please come and visit our legal Sydney brothel from the entry and greeting of our receptionist to saying goodbyes and everything in between are aimed to make your experience not just a good one but an excellent one. If you are ever visiting Sydney Wives Only brothel in Newtown has the best location. We are only 10 minutes’ drive from Sydney CBD and another 10 minutes’ drive from Sydney airport. We are the perfect gateway for your high-class adult entertainment in Sydney.